Jonas Julian Jensen
I'm a computer engineer from Norway. I specialize in FPGA development using VHDL. That's a type of reconfigurable microchip and its coding language.
I hold a master's degree in informatics and have experience working as a developer for Norway's leading defense company.
In June 2018, I left my job to live as a location-independent developer.
VHDLwhiz’s courses, articles, and resources help you learn and understand advanced concepts within FPGA design.

VHDLwhiz is my business site. I spend most of my time working on the free and premium VHDL training content.
Jensen Tech
I conduct all my business through my Norwegian company, Jensen Tech, founded on August 11th, 2009.

Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (Jan 2013 - Jun 2018)
Project Engineer
Worked on digital logic design, embedded programming, and image processing.
Tools used in my line of work:
Qt GUI framework
Xilinx toolchain
QuestaSim / ModelSim
Virtex-6 architecture
Zynq-7000 SoC
University of Oslo (Aug 2007- Aug 2012)
Master's Degree, Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Master’s thesis on database acceleration using partial run-time reconfiguration in FPGAs (Grade: A):
Completed courses including:
Object Oriented Programming
Algorithms and Data Structures
Computer Architecture
Internet Protocols
Discrete Electronics
FPGA Design
CMOS Design
Converted to Linux (Nov 1998)
In November 1998, I formatted the hard drive of my Pentium 133 MHz system and installed Red Hat 5.1 Manhattan Linux. Since that day, Linux has been my preferred operating system.
Jonas Julian Jensen